The Stages Of Growing A Moustache

man with moustache

Are you playing with the idea of growing a moustache, though are unsure of what to expect or what stages of growing a moustache you’ll pass through?

Many guys on a moustache journey go through a series of common phases - extending from stubble to a rich, full ‘stache. Though navigating through the middle stages and making it out unshaven can be tough - especially if you’re going in blind. 

Don’t worry, we’re here to make the process a bit easier for you. 

Are you thinking of sprouting a ‘stache? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’ve detailed the 5 stages of growing a moustache that you can expect on your journey - take a look! 

Should I Grow A Moustache?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s address that age-old question that often inspires guys to grow-out their whiskers in the first place: ‘should I grow a moustache?’ 

The short answer? Yes - we think so at least! Whether it’s to add more personality into your style or to cut-down your shaving time, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider growing out your moustache. 

Though our absolute favourite thing about moustaches is that they come in so many different sizes and styles. With a bit of handy-dandy mo’ wax, you have the freedom to shape and tailor your ‘stache into any shape you desire - whether it’s the classic handlebar or the handsome chevron.

So, for blokes looking to upgrade their style and add a bit of character into their look, you can’t go wrong with growing a mighty mo’. 

The 5 Stages Of Growing A Moustache 

Now, it’s time to get into the good stuff - below, we’ve put together a list of the 5 key stages of growing a moustache that guys can expect on their journey. Enjoy! 

Stage 1: Ditch The Razor 

Whether it’s a deliberate decision or because you’ve been a bit slack with your shaving routine and have decided to roll with it - every moustache journey begins when you decide to ditch the razor. 

At this point on your mo’ path, you won’t notice any major changes. In the first week, you’ll likely notice some stubble starting to break through. 

Despite these minor changes, this phase easily brings the most excitement. Sure, there’s still a lot of work to do, but why not enjoy this giddiness? Hold onto this fire for as long as you can, particularly since the urge to shave can creep-up in these next two phases. 

Stage 2: Beard-Itch

Next up, the dreaded phase that continues to claim many moustaches. It’s time for beard-itch. 

Beard-itch is exactly what it sounds like - a phase of beard growth that often leaves blokes scratching their whiskers relentlessly. For guys in their second week of growth, this irritation is typically caused by the sharpened edges of your facial hair growing out, which can lead to itchiness

Fortunately, there are products that guys can use to ease the scratching and power through the beard-itch phase without breaking a sweat. This is where it pays to get a beard oil - the blend will work to moisturise and soothe the skin to keep itchiness at a minimum. 

If you’re chasing a deluxe formula, try this Beard Oil by Milkman. It’s got one of the most complex, well-balanced formulas - not only does it work to soften facial hair and fight off beard-itch, but it’ll also leave your beard smelling great! 

Stage 3: Looking Awkward 

This next moustache-growth phase is where you start seeing results. At around 3 to 4 weeks, the hairs are starting to get a bit longer, thicker, and are showing great potential. 

That being said, this is the phase where the facial hair looks it's most awkward. As much as we’d like them to, many beards don’t grow-in evenly but rather in patches. In some regions, our facial hair grows fast and thick, though in other areas the growth can be much slower.

Don’t worry, this is common for many blokes and is no reason to give up. At this stage, the best thing you can do is give your beard a bit of time and space to grow. 

As frustrating as this can be, there are a few hacks you can use to make this awkward phase a bit easier to deal with - whether it’s by tidying your beard lines or doing some very light trimming. 

Remember - a magnificent mo’ comes with time. 

Stage 4: Style & Shape 

Now that we’re through those rough phases, we can start enjoying the many benefits of rocking a ‘stache - specifically, the styling aspect. 

After about 4 to 5 weeks of growth, your moustache should have a bit of length to it, which you’re free to style and shape to your desire. Whether you’d like to maintain the length for a longer style or trim it back for a shorter shape - it’s up to you! 

Though at this point, it’s a good time to start thinking of what moustache style you’d like to sport - whether it’s the handlebar, chevron, or anything in between. 

If you’re not sure where to start, consider reading this recent post for a nudge in the right direction: ‘7 Popular Moustache Styles For 2021’. 

Stage 5: Spectacular! 

moustached man using milkman mo stick

The patience and determination have finally paid off. Once you’ve nailed your moustache style, your whiskers should now be looking pretty spectacular! Take them around the town for a victory lap - you’ve earned it. 

From here, it’s all about maintaining your whiskers to keep them looking sharp - and to do this, there are a few essential products you’ll need. For example, you’ll need to clear any fly-away hairs from time to time with a set of facial scissors. On top of this, you’ll also need to clean any food crumbs with a fine-tooth mo’ comb after meals. 

Lastly, if you’re wearing a longer ‘stache, it’s also worth investing in some styling wax - this will keep the hairs off your lip and locked into shape. 

For guys chasing a moustache wax, you can’t go wrong with this Mo-Stick by Milkman. Unlike many other products, this wax is easily applied directly to your ‘stache for swift styling action - not to mention the 15-ml tube will last you a seriously long time. 


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